Women TIES :: Women Inspiring Entrepreneurial Success

Application Form

Business Resource Membership

We look forward to promoting your organization to our growing directory of women entrepreneurs and visitors to our website and company. We consider business resources as local, regional, or statewide government offices, economic development agencies, educational institutions or chambers of commerce.

We encourage collaborative partnerships so we strongly encourage your organization to promote Women TIES to women entrepreneurs who request additional business resources for women-owned businesses. We can provide you with our logo, mission statement, website link and other pertinent information needed for your website and print materials. We look forward to a mutual relationship with you in order to further women entrepreneurship in New York State.

To become a Business Resource member of Women TIES, please:

  1. Complete the form below.
  2. When you come to the "region" section, please choose the region where your office is headquartered and then up to two other major regions where you have other offices or where you want to promote your organization.
  3. Submit the form for approval. Please note: approval may take up to 3 business days.

Once you receive notification of approval, the user name and password you set up in the form will be activated. This will enable you to log into the Member Area of the site, where you can update your member profile during the year. We encourage you to maintain accurate and up-to-date information about your organization so women entrepreneurs can contact you. You can also upload your organization's logo and a headshot which will display in your directory listing to give you full promotional benefits and visibility.

NOTE: Women TIES, LLC, membership payments are non-refundable during the 365-day membership period.

First Name *
Middle Initial   
Last Name *
Title *
Company *
Address 1 *
Address 2   
City *
State *
Region 1 *
Region 2   
Region 3   
Phone 1    (enter in xxx-xxx-xxxx format)
Phone 2    (enter in xxx-xxx-xxxx format)
Fax    (enter in xxx-xxx-xxxx format)
Email 1 *
Email 2   
URL 1   
(enter full URL beginning with "http://")
URL 2   
(enter full URL beginning with "http://")
URL 3   
(enter full URL beginning with "http://")
Where does your outreach and services extend? (check all that apply)   
Resource Type *
Description (please limit to 50 words or less)   
Speaker's Bureau Topics (please limit to 100 words or less)   
(if none of the categories fits your business, if we've missed your region, if there's anything else you want to tell us, list your comments here)
User Name (10 character max.) *
Password (10 character max.) *
This helps us reduce spam:   
* Required field

    315.708.4288   |   info@WomenTIES.com   |   P.O. Box 339   |   Syracuse, NY  13211
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© 2024 Women TIES, LLC
All rights reserved