Business Categories: Online Shopping or Web Related Services Website Services Business Services, Advisors and Consultants In Business Since: 2011
Number of Employees/Subcontractors: 1
Desired Markets: Local, Regional, State
Description: TechCreative is a company focused on empowering women entrepreneurs to grow their businesses with the use of technology: I am your technology partner! You talk, I listen, and then we work together to position you for success by helping you understand how technology solutions can work for you & and make your life easier!
Profile: TechCreative, LLC is a company focused on helping creative women entrepreneurs implement technology to grow their businesses by offering technology education and business solutions. TechCreative is your technology partner!
Susan Jefferson, Owner of TechCreative, LLC has three decades of experience as a computer professional working in computer programming and analysis, technical writing, project management, technology implementations, customer experience, and web design and development.
Featured Products or Services: Web design/development, internet products: hosting, email, and computer and mobile device backup.