Business Categories: Special Events, Weddings, Entertainers Public Relations In Business Since: 1995
Number of Employees/Subcontractors: 1
Desired Markets: Local, Regional, State, National
Description: An event management company specializing in the execution, coordination and management of events for buisnesses, non-profit organizations, and individuals. Five Star Events also offers PR services for small businesses and women-owned companies.
Profile: Tracy Higginbotham has been professionally planning events since 1986. In 1995, she created Five Star Events to continue her professional career as an event manager. In 2005, she created her second company Women TIES, to further women entrepreneurship all over New York State. She has won numerous business awards for her professionalism and dedication to women entrepreneurship.
Maria A DeSantis
Maria DeSantis : DeSantis Band/Orchestra
(100% Woman-Owned Business)
Business Categories: Special Events, Weddings, Entertainers Entertainment
In Business Since: 1947
Number of Employees/Subcontractors: 40
Desired Market: Regional
Description: Creating music for special events throughout New York State - from high energy dance bands to small listening combos; music consulting for ceremonies, religious events, and small receptions.