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to the new Women's Athletic Network, a division of Women TIES that promotes athletic events for women entrepreneurs to participate in, train for or support as spectators.
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Tracy Higginbotham
Tracy Higginbotham
Women TIES

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Susan Bertrand
Susan Bertrand
Maureen's Hope Foundation


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SU Athletic Communications

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Linda Fake
Linda Fake
Uniquely Yours

Wednesday, April 30, 2025
#261Fearless Central New York Meet Runs


The #261 Fearless Club Greater New York where the running community is robust encourages women supporting women to create a positive sense of self-confidence and fearlessness through running. #261 Fearless Club Greater New York wants to be your supportive women's community that guides you along your fitness journey. Become FEARLESS with us!

We are a female-specific running community that focuses on the fun, social, non-competitive side of running. We provide a safe, friendly, and fun environment for women to run together. It's a great way to get fit and make new friends while you're at it. Building a community of support is just as important as getting out and moving.

On Mondays, #261Fearless Meet Runs are in Cazenovia "on the green" from 6:00-6:45 and Tuesdays in Liverpool at Washington Park in the village from 5:30-6:15. Days and times will switch to weekends once daylight savings hits in November.

Here is some information to get you started:

* First 3 meet runs: free
* Drop-in rate: $3/meet run
* One year: $50 (starts their 1st meet run after the 3 free ones)

Find out more by contacting Deb Sidone through the website: https://www.261fearless.org/261-club-gny/

Time: Various
Location: Cazenovia and Liverpool
Deadline: Wednesday, April 30, 2025
$0.00 First three classes are free
Event website

Saturday, June 7, 2025
Annual Paige's Butterfly Run
5K Run - Hybrid Event

Paige's Butterfly Run

Women TIES has been a media sponsor of Paige's Butterfly Run, an annual event to raise funds to fight pediatric cancer, for ten years.

Held in conjunction with the Taste of Syracuse, Paige's Butterfly Run brings runners and walkers from across Central New York to downtown Syracuse each June to participate in one of the region's premier 5K races while raising the critical dollars necessary to fund local pediatric cancer research and patient programs at Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital.

Paige's Butterfly Run is comprised of three events, which means there is something for everyone!

USAT&F certified 5K race in downtown Syracuse
3K fun fitness run/walk, 40 ft. Caterpillar Crawl for young kids.

You can either join Tracy's Team by running with her and registering on her page or donating to her run and cheering from the sidelines! Either way, help Tracy raise money for children with pediatric cancer. Thank you.

Time: 9 a.m.
Location: Erie Blvd West, National Grid Building, Syracuse, NY
Deadline: Thursday, June 6, 2024
Event website

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A Division of Women TIES, LLC
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